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We create WordPress plugins based on many years of experience with customer projects. It's all about what you really need.

Check out our plugins


Open User Map

Visitors can add locations from the frontend

Let your visitors add locations directly from within the map. They drop a marker on the map and provide some location details. After submit the location proposal will be “pending” and wait for your review approval to get published.

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Locations and Areas

Leaflet map with region tabs

An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and marker styles.

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AI Text Enhancer

Improve text with AI

Select the text you would like to improve and hit the magic button. It's that simple.

AI Text Enhancer will automatically transform the text into a more polished and professional sounding version.

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About 100plugins

Daniel Schönherr

Founder & CEO
working in web development since 2006
based in Berlin

Some brands we've worked for

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